Monday, March 3, 2008

Put It In Reverse

Reverse mortgages are becoming increasingly common as baby boomers reach retirement age and are seeking ways to supplement their income.

These mortgages can be a welcome gift for those homeowners who have a sizeable chunk of equity they can draw from. The interest rates on reverse mortgages can be quite competitive and can be the answer many retirees need for that extra cash.

However, using a skilled and reputable mortgage company or bank is strongly encouraged. There are sinister organizations popping up that are promising low closing costs and cheap financing. These mortgage vampires are preying on retirees and feeding off their equity.

On Sunday, The Boston Globe reported that a certain company has been providing reverse mortgages with an agenda to unsuspecting consumers. When the reverse mortgage closes, homeowners are finding that they unwillingly commit most of the proceeds of their mortgage to investment schemes created by this particular mortgage company.

We must always act with diligence and use trusted real estate professionals when refinancing, especially with reverse mortgages.

Keeping your home in which you live until the very end, is part of the American dream. The reverse mortgage, when calculated properly and used for its intended purpose can make this a reality.

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